Sustainability strategy

A responsible business model

At Lontana Group, we are committed to generating long-term profitability in a sustainable and responsible way

Committed to sustainability and to meeting the SDGs

Our sustainable growth strategy seeks to balance economic progress with social, environmental and governance responsibility.

The Group’s corporate culture and the Company Project (purpose, mission, vision, values and value proposition) are aligned with sustainability, which expresses the economic, social, labour and environmental concerns of our business environment and stakeholders.

Sustainability management and performance reporting


Statement of Non-Financial Information (NFI)


Statement of Non-Financial Information (NFI)


Statement of Non-Financial Information (NFI)

Sustainability Master Plan 2025

Our commitments to people and the environment are set out in the Sustainability Master Plan 2022–2025. The Plan, which forms an integral part of the Group’s own Strategy, is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations.

The Sustainability Master Plan contains 36 initiatives linked to 3 strategic lines of action – Good Governance, Management Strategies and Sustainable Business Strategies – which have a direct impact on SDGs 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 and an indirect impact on the remaining SDGs.

Each initiative is monitored by means of key performance indicators (KPIs) that help us measure its success.
By adopting these initiatives, industrial companies can contribute to sustainable economic growth, minimizing our impact on the environment and enhancing our contribution to society.

Commitments to sustainability

At Lontana Group we work to implement sustainable strategies in each of these three areas to guarantee:

Commitment to ethics and good governance

Economic growth and increasing profitability through ethics and good practice

Social development

Social cohesion and development, promoting a decent quality of life in the workplace

Environmental sustainability

Environmental protection within our means