Commitment to the SDGs

Our commitment to the SDGs

At Lontana Group, we have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN in September 2015 into our business strategy and our governance system.

The SDGs seek to engage governments, society and businesses on a range of economic, social and environmental challenges facing the world with the ultimate goal of promoting sustainable development that benefits present and future generations.

These objectives inspire the commitments we make at Lontana Group to people and the environment, which are set out in our Sustainability Master Plan 2022–2025.

The Plan contains 36 initiatives linked to 3 strategic lines of action – Good Governance, Management Strategies and Sustainable Business Strategies – which have a direct impact on SDGs 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 and an indirect impact on the remaining SDGs.

Health and wellbeing

Protecting people’s health and creating and maintaining safe working environments are a priority for Lontana Group.

That is why we work to generate a culture of preventive safety among our workers, carrying out actions that promote risk perception and awareness, the integration of preventive activity and the elimination or reduction of the risks associated with the different activities.

Gender equality

We promote a transparent working environment based on respect, diversity and the personal and professional development of people, incorporating policies that promote equal opportunities.

Decent work and economic growth

Lontana Group’s policy states our companies’ commitment to decent employment, in line with the labour rights recognized in the laws of all the countries where we operate. We promote safe, healthy and equitable working conditions for all workers.

Our sustainable growth model is socially and environmentally friendly and economically profitable.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We have an ambitious investment plan to modernize our infrastructure and focus on more advanced and efficient production processes and information technologies. We also contribute to this goal by continuously measuring and reducing our carbon footprint.

Responsible production and consumption

We promote practices to ensure that our water and energy consumption is as efficient as possible – and that our waste generation is as low as possible.

Climate action

We promote the use of energy from renewable sources. We measure our carbon footprint with the aim of reducing it to the lowest possible level.

Peace, justice and strong institutions

We work to guarantee inclusive and participatory decision-making at all levels, as well as the prevention and control of any type of crime that could be committed.