Lontana Group donates computer equipment to the Claret Social Fondoa Foundation

Jun 7, 2024

Lontana Group donates computer equipment (CPU’s, screens and keyboards) to the Claret Social Fondoa Foundation (www.claretenea.org).

The Foundation, located in the heart of the San Francisco neighbourhood, was founded on 15 January 2004 by the Claretian family of the Basque Country. Its mission is to create a fairer, more supportive and inclusive society, ensuring that all people can live with dignity, being the protagonists of their own life project. For this reason, they are dedicated to improving the social conditions and training of immigrant people and families, homeless or in other situations of risk of social exclusion with the aim of favouring their integration into the labour market.  

In addition to shelter and soup kitchen programmes for homeless people or those in need of asylum, they also offer support with qualification training, work experience and socio-occupational guidance.

Scope of the donation

This contribution will equip a classroom for training in basic digital skills and the active search for employment through digital platforms. This training will be complementary to the professional certificates offered by the Foundation so that people can find a job and improve their situation.

Our contribution to the environment

The gesture has been very well received by the Foundation. In the words of Javier Mariño Orive, director of the Claret Social Fund Foundation:

“We would like to thank all the people who make up Lontana who have made this donation of computer equipment possible. For your commitment to a fairer and more egalitarian society and because your Corporate Social Responsibility drives you to generate a positive impact on the society around you”.

Javier Mariño Orive

With this contribution, the Group boosts its commitment to the environment by directly supporting a project that works for the inclusion of disadvantaged people in the Basque Country, thus contributing to SDG 1 (end of poverty), 10 (reduction of inequalities) and 12 (sustainable production and consumption).