Adecco Talent Recruitment Seminar

May 28, 2024

Today we participated in a conference organised by Adecco on the current challenges related to talent recruitment. An event held at the Hotel Carlton in Bilbao where we had the opportunity to share our vision and experience on the realities of the labour market together with professionals from different sectors.

Naiara García Zabala, Director of Human Resources of the Group, and speaker at one of the tables of the conference, stressed the importance of having a Value Proposition for the Employee that goes “from the inside to the outside of the organisation”.

In Naiara’s words: “For us, it is essential that the proposal is built from the company’s corporate culture, reflects our personality and, of course, the reality of the organisation. Otherwise it would not be sustainable or credible”.

Naiara García Zabala, Director of Human Resources

It has been a very enriching day in which companies such as Iberdrola, Baskevolt, Bilbao Ekintza, Teknei Group, Ormazabal, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Laboral Kutxa have taken part, and which has allowed us to highlight our commitment to the generation of stable and quality employment.